COFS-31 Information
CoFs 31/Sorghum/Jowar/Jwari/Multicut Perennial Fodder Grass | |
Seed Rate | Approx. 2-3 Kgs of seeds per Acre |
Germination time | 10 days. |
Seed treatment (Optional) | Treat the seeds with Azospirullum (500 g) and phosphate solubilising bacteria (500 g) per ha will increase yield by 10-15 per cent OR any other suitable seed treatment may be used |
Sowing Method
| Plough 2-3 times to obtain a good tilth. Form ridges and furrows of 6 m long and 60 cm apart. The variety is recommended for cultivation in both irrigated & part of dry conditions and suitable for anywhere climatic conditions in India. Spacing: 30 x 15-30 cm (Sow on both sides of ridges) and 60 x 15 cm ( For seed production) |
Soil Requirement | It can be grown on any soil except on very sandy soils. |
Irrigation | Irrigate immediately after sowing. Life irrigation on the third day and thereafter once in 10 days, according to need based. |
Harvesting for fodder | Multi-cut grass 6-7 cuts in a Year and comes up to 3-4 years (Perennial character). 1st cut at 60 days interval and later all cuts at approx. 45-50 days. |
Uses | It is very good grass recommended for milking animals like cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, etc. as it contains high proteins and fibres that are easy to digest for cattle. |
Weeding | First weeding on 25-30 days after sowing. After each harvest a weeding may be given before fertilization. |